
Knockout sure cuts a lot 4
Knockout sure cuts a lot 4

Generally, both steps are concerned with letting the dough rest and rise as fermentation continues. The proofing step is often confused with bulk fermentation.

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What is the Difference Between Bulk Fermentation and Proofing? Proofing bread dough is the step before it is baked in the oven. Proofing bread dough is the seventh step in the bread-making process. My cookbook talks about the eight steps to making sourdough bread, from creating an (optional) levain to baking. During this time, the dough continues to ferment (with sourdough, instant or commercial yeast, or a combination) to build up additional acidity and increase volume. Proofing bread dough, sometimes called a dough's second rise, final fermentation, or proving dough, is the step after shaping the dough before it's baked in the oven.

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If you've ever wondered what you should look for to determine when your proofing bread dough is ready to bake, this is the guide for you. During this time-which varies based on the dough and temperature-fermentation continues to play the critical role of changing available sugars to organic acids and gasses to flavor and leaven the dough, all of which result in a loaf with ample volume and improved eating quality. Proofing is near the end of the entire process when shaped bread dough is left to ferment and rise untouched in preparation for baking.

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In this guide to proofing bread dough, I'll walk through a challenging-yet critical-step in the sourdough bread-making process.

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